Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Forgiveness ~ Sometimes it's doing the impossible

  This video was brought to my attention this afternoon by my beloved twin sister, and it's been on my heart to share it with all those who look at or follow my blog. May we all forgive even the worst of people, who like this man killed a daughter and sister. 

A trip to "Lies Young Women Believe"...

   The recent topic on L.Y.W.B. has been very interesting. And I don't just mean the actual post, but the comments too.  I am going to put three links below, for the latest three posts. You may have a look and feel free to comment! May the Lord bless you..
    ~ http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=1834 
    ~ http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=1835
    ~ http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=1836

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Healing Rain ~ Let us Pray for it!

   This is the worst drought in the USA since the mid-50's. Over 50% of the country is in drought conditions and the rest is considered "unusually dry." I live in New York, so I haven't been hit with drought conditions, but I still pray for rain. This morning on Klove Radio the three hosts stopped the music they had been playing and took a minute or so to have everyone close their eyes (unless you were driving) and they prayed for the people who needed rain, mostly central USA. It felt so good praying for hundreds who I didn't know, but had one thing in common.
    1 Samuel 12:18 says: "Then Samuel called on the Lord, and that same day the Lord sent thunder and rain. So all the people stood in awe of the Lord and of Samuel." Let us all pray that today is the end of the drought. And if not today, then let us keep praying each and every day. God Bless All!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The heat!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. The beginning of July is always busy because our moms birthday is on the third and then we celebrate with family on the fourth. The heat wave has also taken time. We have to water the flowers everyday more than usual. Thanks for being patient!