Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Ten Commandments Of Friendship"

1. Speak to people = there is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting
2. Smile at people = it takes seventy-two muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile
3. Call people by name = the sweetest music to anyone's ear is the sound of their own name
4. Be friendly and helpful =  if you would have friends, then be friendly
5. Be cordial = speak and act as if everything you do were a real pleasure 
6. Be genuinely interested in people = you can like everyone if you try
7. Be generous with praise = cautious with criticism 
8. Be considerate of the feelings of others = it will be appreciated
9. Be thoughtful of the opinions of others
10. Be alert to give services = what counts most in  life is what we do for others

(These are great to live by but, I did not come up with these, a man named Roy B. Zuck came up with them. I copied them from a book called: A young woman after God's own heart by Elizabeth George, who cited them.)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thank You, Lord, for all your blessings..

      Thanksgiving is a time to thank God for all we have. I am especially thankful for my family this year. I am also thankful for God's guidance during my first semester of college. I thank God for his love for me, a sinner saved by his grace. I thank him for his word, where I can always find comfort, rest, and peace. 
      My mothers side of the family meets at my grandma's house to celebrate. I love eating all the delicious food, especially my grandmother's stuffing. I like how everyone around the table brings either a dessert or a dinner side to the gathering (it feels like a potluck when we do this). I have 4 aunts and one uncle (all are married) and three cousins.  
      You might be wondering about my father's side of the family. It would be useless to tell you how many cousins we have on his side of the family. All I know, is that the last time I counted, we had about 20 cousins and still had 9 uncles and one aunt (all married, except for two). We don't see them for thanksgiving because they are too widely spread (over the east coast). We meet for a christmas and/or thanksgiving celebration on the first Saturday of December (that would be this coming Saturday, Dec.3). I love meeting with them, because I can relate to all of them and I have great christian examples to follow.
     Thank you for your prayers. Have a good day..and may God bless all of you. 
     From, your sister in Christ, Julie Waldvogel

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Free Giveaway! from a wonderful blogger...

A girl that I met on blogger is hosting a free giveaway for a beautiful scarf! If you would like to enter into the drawing, then follow this link!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Another day with God beside me...

This is a photo of the main building (Kellenburg) of Molloy College (the college I attend)!
I'm sitting in the newest building waiting for my next class to start and I'm reading all the wonderful blogs that I follow. All of them are such a blessing! Keep on writing...

A quote that blessed me today was said by C.S.Lewis: 
"We may ignore, but we can nowhere evade the presence of God. 
The world is crowded with him. He walks everywhere incognito."

Whats your thought on this quote? Leave a comment below....

Monday, November 21, 2011

“I Will Walk With Integrity”

Yesterday, in Sunday School, our lesson was on godly character. We touched briefly on multiple passages, but the one that stuck out at me was Psalm 101. So, without further ado…
The first verse of Psalm 101 is something  I can relate to. It says “I will sing of your love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will sing praise.” Singing is something I am always doing. I am not voice trained, and never took singing lessons, but that doesn’t stop me. I love listening to the Klove radio station or one of our many Christian cd’s that my family has collected over the years. I listen and sing to a lot of contemporary music, but every once in a while I take out a praise cd and sing those songs too. Just because my music is labeled Christian, doesn’t mean that the music is all about singing praise to the Lord. Sometimes the song isn’t praising God, so just be careful about the music you sing and listen to.
Verse two is when David asks God for help: “when will you come to me?.” We should all ask for Gods help, because we can’t possibly do everything without Gods help. Actually, we can’t get through anything without Gods help. In this world, we see people who aren’t true Christians get through situations, you might say, but they aren’t coming out without scars and wounds. Their hearts may be shriveled and broken into thousands of pieces. In order to live a blameless life, we need Gods help.
Verses three to eight show us characteristics that help us to live a blameless life. They aren’t easy to follow especially when we are in the presence of non-christians. Not looking at vile things is pretty hard to do nowadays. Posters and bulletins are all over  buildings, not to mention, in the biggest print people can possibly fit. They advertise beauty products, that probably don’t even work on everyone out there in the world. Sin can be enticing and can even look like fun. I know that I have participated in things that haven’t honored God, like spreading the latest gossip or making fun of people who didn’t fit in with our middle school click. After doing things like that, I would have a huge, guilty conscience, that I never enjoyed. Now my conscience is a good thing and has helped me stay away from those evil things. I’ve been forgiven for those sins and try not to do things like that anymore. In college I’ve met people that are haughty and boastful, and unfortunately I have become aquatinted with them. Those people should not be tolerated and I know that God will help me with them.
Verse six is a blessing to me. “My eyes will be on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; the one whose walk is blameless will minister to me.” I also have Christian friends that build me up and draw me closer to the Lord.  There are so many Christians girls (set-apart for Christ) on Blogger and I am so happy for that. Verse six talks about pastors. Pastors aren’t perfect, but those that try to live a blameless life, should be the one’s preaching to us. I don’t want a pastor who has not experienced the love of Christ for himself/herself.  They would never be able to show us how to love the lord. Verse seven talks about living with people who aren’t deceitful and slanderers. All of my friends, whether christian or non-christians, now that I hate when they speak inappropriate language. I used to participate in all of that gossip, but now I keep what I know to myself and try not to laugh at others who are being gossiped about. Verse eight is something that all of us should commit to. We should all try our best to turn the lost sheep back to the lord and we should be careful of ourselves. We should watch that we don’t get pulled away from the Lord.
It may be hard to live a blameless life, like this Psalm explains, but we have God right beside us and we can always ask his help.
“Don't follow a defeated foe. Follow Christ. It is costly. You will be an exile in this age. But you will be free.”
John Piper

Saturday, November 19, 2011

New Updated Blog...

I haven't posted in such a long time...that isn't a good thing! I hope you will all forgive me for being so lazy..  Anyway, I have updated the look of my blog and added some new gadgets on it..Yeah!! 
I plan to update my blog every week, and maybe some weeks more..hopefully. Well i hope you all like the new look, and if your a new follower then its nice you came today :) 
Well, God Bless All and may you have a wonderful thanksgiving..
From, your sister in Christ, 
Julie Waldvogel