I was reading the book "Get Lost" this morning (it's become a part of my morning devotions) and something that Dannah wrote about spoke to me...like an arrow piercing the target right in the middle! I am going to paraphrase what she wrote, but with different examples..and of course my own words.
"Bring me a husband." "Heal my stomach ache." "Help me find the right job." "Help me pass my finals...they're hard" I know my conversations sometimes consist of demands such as these. Do yours too? I bet sometimes they do, I think that every christian does it at some point. God is not a genie though; he is the Almighty God and a King. If you met a king or president would you approach him like that? I hope not. You would enter that friendship with respect and honor. Now, God is above all else on Earth and in Heaven; how can we do that to him?? He is not to be used by us like that. Often we give him a list of things to do, like a wish list. It's not that he doesn't want to hear our needs. It's just that we rarely dwell in his presence to hear his desires for us. I knelt down and asked the Lord to show me the desires he has for my life, will you do that as well? Will you put your life into his hands? Let us, like Evan Roberts, kneel before him and say, in full surrender, "BEND ME, BEND ME."
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you.
I heard this song ("When I see you" by Big Daddy Weave) on my pandora radio last night as I was falling asleep. The words just struck me. When we look up at God everything seems right. It's like going to another country and seeing everything as a treasure, just like in the music video above.
I don't really have words to describe how amazing this song is. This song was written by the hinsons who also sing it (you can find it on youtube), but I prefer this version.
Jesus is always there guiding us and protecting us! Amen!