Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Song of Praise..

And Mary said, 

“My soul magnifies the Lord, 
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 
for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. 
For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 
for he who is mighty has done great things for me, 
and holy is his name. 
And his mercy is for those who fear him 
from generation to generation. 
He has shown strength with his arm; 
he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; 
he has brought down the mighty from their thrones 
and exalted those of humble estate; 
he has filled the hungry with good things, 
and the rich he has sent away empty. 
He has helped his servant Israel, 
in remembrance of his mercy, 
as he spoke to our fathers, 
to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

Luke 1:46-55, ESV.

Friday, December 11, 2015

A long-awaited update..

     It's been a while since I have posted. It was a very busy last semester of undergraduate classes at college. I had my nursing capstone class which was when I got work alongside a nurse and get a feel for my upcoming career. It was all very exciting. No finals this semster as I only had one other class. Another thing that happened was a new friendship with a wonderful young lady who is a child of God as well. It has been such a blessing to me.
     Since the first of December I have been doing a devotional that was written by Ann Voskamp (and in case you don't know who that is, just look her up by clicking here).  It has been a lovely study and such a joy to unwrap God's greatest gift for us.  The tree is up and decorated. We light delicious smelling candles up every night, all around the house.  It has been a great start to the Christmas/Advent season.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

My journey SOUTH.

     It was the first time I had been below the equator...in the southern hemisphere. It was full of new sights, new friends, and new experiences. That remarkable journey took place five months ago, during their winter, in a place called South Africa.
     I didn't just sign up to go on this adventure randomly though, it all started back home, in the small church that I have been going to for all my life. My cousin, Sara, had taken a church group two summers ago and she was offering to go with another group. So, a few months later, after a good amount of praying, me and my twin sister and a bunch of friends boarded a 20-something hour flight to the country of South Africa (with a delightful stop in Heathrow, London airport).
     There are many delightful memories that were made in the two weeks we spent there. I couldn't possibly write about all of them. I met children that made me laugh, care workers who told uplifting tales, and other missionaries who made me feel right at home who had a bottomless supply of love.
     During the trip we had some oppurtunities to walk to some of the childrens' homes, they were called Holy Home Visits. We would have a chance to pray with the family and they would tell us a bit about what they were going through.  Me and a friend, Diana, and the pastor of my church were able to visit a mother who had two young sons. she had a few odd jobs that she did, but nothing that was regularly supplying her with money. The family lives on a rented piece of land, with a shack as their home. The father of the two boys was a logger, and had abandoned his family. In South Africa if there is no supporter then you get a set amount of money to help with school costs and food. The man who owned the property would recieve the money, take the rental money out of it, and then pass the rest to the family (which at that point wasn't that much).
During this conversation the mother told one of the boys to get some drink for us. The older boy, Prince, ran into the shack and came out with three tall glasses and a tall bottle of soda. I remember being so touched by this selfless act. The family has so little, but was willing to give up their soda, to complete strangers. We said our thanks and drank up. Needless to say, it was the best soda I'd ever tasted. We walked the kids to  the care point after that and we all sang on our way. It was great to see the boys were so happy. That memory will always stick with me. Period.
     If there are any other questions, or more stories that you want to hear, you can leave a comment below. You could leave a comment just for fun too. You just had to be there to experience everything that happened to all of us. It was definitely a life-changing experience for me, and I'm sure for the others also.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Not A Fan.

   This morning, through some God-planned events, I was able to drive our blue Hyundai to the hospital I volunteer at.  I usually have to drive our older Corolla, which isn't a bad car (I actually like the car a lot), but it's just nice to drive a newer car once in while. Anyway, I had my Ipod connected through bluetooth and was listening to Not A Fan written by Kyle Idleman.  On the way I had heard some things that impressed me, so before I entered the hospital I had to jot down those thoughts so I could tell you guys about them.  

   Kyle was talking about denying ourselves for Christ, complete surrender. He went on to explain the definition behind the phrase "Lord, Lord" in the New Testament.  In the new testament "Lord, Lord" does not mean Yahweh (Jehovah), instead it translates to a word: Kyrios. This Greek word Kyrios translates to - the owner; one who has control of the person, the master.  Then he introduced a second Greek word, which to some can be a complete letdown. it's Doulos, a word which translates to - a slave, a bondman, man of servile condition.  

   He talked specifically about being a bond-slave, which means that even after the slave was publicly freed, he/she would continue working for that same master (Deuteronomy 15:12-18).  That's how we should serve Jesus, voluntarily, out of complete love for our Saviour who died for us. He doesn't want fans or halfhearted followers; the only thing Jesus wants are committed followers that love him as deeply as he loves them.  

   I'm so glad that I was able to read this book and I know I will be reading more of Kyle's books in the future. Thanks for reading this post, it is such a blessing when I get feedback.  I will be praying for you and I hope you FOLLOW Christ with all your heart!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

I'm still here...

     It's an absolutely gorgeous day outside today.  The sun is shining, the birds are singing their praises to the creators, and the grass feels just right under my bare toes as I drag the watering hose around our spacious backyard to water all the flowers.  There is a peace that surrounds me, even while the neighbors dog barks indefinitely.  

     All the worrying we do in our lives, really doesn't do anything.  I know that all my worrying just makes me more uncertain and produces a cloud that masks the Lords reassurance.  This peace, from my Lord, makes me lighthearted, and whispers softly "everything will be fine and go ust according to plan."  It makes me smile.  I silently thank Jesus that he has everything under control.  

     I'll be leaving for South Africa in twelve days...it came up even faster than I thought it would.  I remember saying that "I would love to go" and now it will finally happen.  It's exciting to think about it and I can't wait (as you could probably tell that isn't what's troubling me).  There will be people to meet and love and tell about me precious Lord.  We (the group) will see things we've never seen before and experience new things and make "forever memories." 

     The experience that I'm worrried about is the last semester of my senior year in Nursing School. I will be preceptoring with a nurse, during a regular twelve hour shift and at a hospital I may be unfamiliar with.  I know I will get through it and God will be a friend and guide, but there is still a part of me that worries...a purely human emotion.

     I will just keep praying for this peace and joy...and I'd love it if you would to, because everyone could use a bit of peace in their busy lives.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

This New Year..

This year I didn't make any New Year Resolutions, which may sound a bit weird to most people.

I did make a commitment to read the complete bible in one year though. I own an iPod touch which is handy and I downloaded an app (that just happened to be a recommendation apple gave me) called She Reads Truth. There is also a website: shereadstruth.com.

It is a community of women committed to drawing closer to Jesus by seeking his face. It started small in 2012 and in 2014 it became more official (and even has an app now). There are a multitude of devotional plans that go through various books of the bible (James, John, Hosea, etc) and various holiday themed plans (lent, advent, thanksgiving, etc.).

This January they released a 2015 Bible-In-A-Year plan, which got me interested. I prayed and God led me to travel with him through his entire word this year, which I am sooo thrilled about. It's been an amazing time so far and I've learned so much already. I look forward to reading God's word every day.

In addition to reading the bible in a year they do a daily plan and right now we are going through the book of Esther. There are small readings to do along with the bible passage and you can even comment in addition.  You should defintely check it out for yourself! May the lord bless you in this coming year.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

On God's Shoulders

Just an amazing song that's been in my head for the past few weeks.
The chorus is below..in case you feel the need to sing along,..

My help comes from You
You're right here, pulling me through
You carry my weakness, my sickness, my brokenness all on Your shoulders 
Your shoulders
My help comes from You
You are my rest, my rescue
I don't have to see to believe that You're lifting me up on Your shoulders 
Your shoulders