This past sunday was Mother's Day, as all of you know (or I hope so).
I know a lot of friends (mostly from college) that don't want to be all!
I can't believe it...and I don't understand...
So, I'm going to write a bit about the subject, even though I myself am not a mother.
Have you ever looked at a Mother who holds her newborn baby?
A look of pure joy and love envelopes her face, as tears of happiness swim down her face.
Relief floods the room...
I myself can not wait till I hold a child of my own in my hands...
It's been a hope of mine since I was a child, holding baby dolls...
I can not wait to cradle a crying baby who is part of me...even if the cries pierce the silence.
I want to laugh and cry with my children...
I want to sit on the floor and pray with them...
I want to hold them in my arms and cherish them...
Most of all I want to tell all about my wonderful saviour..
And maybe it isn't God's plan for me to be a mother one day, but
it hasn't dampened my hopes and dreams yet..and it never will (there is always adoption..).
So, motherhood may not be an easy job, but it has the best reward possible.
Children are a GIFT from God, don't ever forget that!